Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21((It's a new day, but it all feels old))

Hey. Today was all right. Melissa and I were up till like 5. If you're a girl who gets freaked out by aliens, don't watch Signs in a cold, dark basement at 3:30 AM. Not a smart move on mine and Melissa's part. We finally woke up at around 12, about a half hour before she had to leave. But at like 5 we were calling everyone to try and find out what channel Barney was on, it was a freaking blast. After I woke up I went to the library to check out a few CDs and I also signed up to volunteer. That should be fun. So after the library I biked to Dominic's, where I got coffee(seriously, I'm like the last person on Earth who needs it) After that I went back home, uploaded my CDs onto iTunes then my iPod. Haha yay! Then I took the CDs as well as the volunteer form back to the library. Then.... Then I went to the pool with Amanda, after which I had a softball game.
Erin. What you said about me being a model. Even though I'm the last person on Earth who would be a model, why would I want to be? I don't want to sell myself as a product. I don't want people to see me in magazines and say "I want to look like that". What I want to see is people looking in MIRRORS and saying "I want to look like that." I don't want people to idolize others on their outward appearance, I want them to look more then skin deep and be able to see inside a person. I want to see more people like you modeling, and less like Bronge(God I hope she doesn't read this). You're way more beautiful then she'll ever be, and not because you have great facial features, no, because you're one of the nicest people I've ever met. I could care less about these shallow models in the magazines, I would never want to be like them.
Angelo. Just because you don't mind it doesn't mean it's not wrong. Don't let people like me treat you like that. I don't mind a lot of shit that people do but that doesn't make it right. You don't want the world treating you as it's doormat. Trust me on that one. Stand up for yourself, and if I start bitching just tell me to shut up. I don't mind.
Peace. Song of the Day-The Anthem, Good Charlotte


Thebasswizard said...

And just because you mind, that doesn't make it wrong.

nicole said...
