Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Road Yet To Be Taken

I've been on this path for quite some time now
it's been a bumpy road
but now as I progress, I see ahead of me a fork
I stop to examine the roads.

The path to the left is worn
as though it has been walked upon by many a person
it has marks and signs
to help lead the way.

The path to the right is a little less trampled
it is clear not so many have chosen this way
maybe not because it wasn't right
just because it wasn't well known

So as I look both ways
I sit and reflect upon my options
Either I can chose the well known, often taken road
or the slightly more spontaneous road.

After quite a while of reflecting, I have made up my mind.
I get up, look both ways, and blaze a path of my own.
A path that has never been taken,
a trail that is yet to be blazed.

Now as I lead my way
I come across many roadblocks,
but I can whether anything,
for as I continue along, making my way through the brush, I know I have made the right choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Posting songs as blog entries is so lame unless you write about how the song relates to how you feel...