Saturday, July 7, 2007

Gooooooood morning sunshine!((It's you, it's that shit stuck under my shoe))

Well hello there! Last night I didn't get a wink of mother fucking sleep, but hey, that doesn't mean I'm going to be in any sort of bad fucking mood. Let's start at about 4AM. I sat there. for a half an hour. trying to lick my elbow. then at around 5ish I took my dogs on a walk. At 5 AM. Only two of them, because little shithead shamus doesn't know how to walk on a God damned leash. And I'm not about to handle three god damned leashes and a CD player thingy(iPod is damaged). So shorty and snoopy came on this lovely fucking 3 god damned mile walk with me. I swear to god snoopy pissed like 5 times. I actually swore at him a lot. "How many times can such a freaking small dog piss one one freaking walk?" Well. Let's see. I took a walk to the park first. It was nice. I sat there through Waiting for my Ruca. On the way snoopy took a shit on my neighbors lawn. Serves the mother fuckers right for being such jackasses about the fireworks. Then... I took the other 2 1/2 miles in a mother fucking circle pretty much. The whole thing was just some god damned circle. So on my way I saw a few types of people. The people in cars... I looked at some of them and just thought "You poor bastard." I looked at others and was like you crazy mother fucker. Some of them flipped me off. I just kept walking for once. Hmm... I stood in the middle of the normally busy intersection and raised my "rock hands"( \m/ ) and just shouted GOOD MORNING NAPERVILLE. GO FUCK YOURSELF. Then... I was like mother fuckers because this house had this chopped down tree that I used to see every day walking home from school and thought it was good luck. So I flipped off the house. THE ONE GOD DAMNED HOUSE WHERE THERE'S A MOTHER FUCKING MORNING PERSON. GOD DAMN IT. So yes. Now as you can see, my morning has gotten off to a start that can only be described as peachy fucking keen. :) Can't fucking WAIT to see how the rest of my god damned day goes. FUCK THIS SHIT.
fucking Song of the fucking perfect god damn day-Garden (fucking) Grove-Sub-fuckin'-blime ((bitchh)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

mmk. been a while...

It's been quite some time since I've posted here. Not much worth posting. Sorry. Wish I could be more interesting for you :P

Monday, June 25, 2007

June 25

Whoops :) Missed a day. I'm sure no one noticed, so I'll just get on with today. I woke up around... 130 and missed my first day of work. That's always fun! Not much else has happened. :) Lalala.
Peace ..\/ Song of the day-too early for that.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Road Yet To Be Taken

I've been on this path for quite some time now
it's been a bumpy road
but now as I progress, I see ahead of me a fork
I stop to examine the roads.

The path to the left is worn
as though it has been walked upon by many a person
it has marks and signs
to help lead the way.

The path to the right is a little less trampled
it is clear not so many have chosen this way
maybe not because it wasn't right
just because it wasn't well known

So as I look both ways
I sit and reflect upon my options
Either I can chose the well known, often taken road
or the slightly more spontaneous road.

After quite a while of reflecting, I have made up my mind.
I get up, look both ways, and blaze a path of my own.
A path that has never been taken,
a trail that is yet to be blazed.

Now as I lead my way
I come across many roadblocks,
but I can whether anything,
for as I continue along, making my way through the brush, I know I have made the right choice.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 22((THUNDER!))

Family. They say you can't chose your family, but I think they're wrong. It all depends on how you define family. To some people family would be that bunch of weird people you're stuck with until you're 18. To me, family is a group of people who are there for me not only when they can be, but when they can't. That doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to. Family is people who love you not only for who you are, but who you aren't. They love how you have weird quirks, and are able to laugh at your every mistake yet still make you feel good about yourself. They don't care if you're not popular, all they care about it you. They don't want some little cog in the mold, they want someone whose completely original, and not just a shadow of someone else. Family is unconditional love. You can be the biggest fuck up in the world and they'll still love you just the same, maybe even more because it just shows you're human and make mistakes. My family would be... Lauren, Maddie, Alex P., Alex Wh., Angelo (=D), Matt, Josh, and Erin. Ooh def. Erin. (totes!)
Today... Today I went to Erin's and we jammed. And play the "in my pants" game where you add in my pants to the end of the song title. Oh jeez, it got BAD.
Peace. Song of the day-Thunderstruck, ACDC

June 21((It's a new day, but it all feels old))

Hey. Today was all right. Melissa and I were up till like 5. If you're a girl who gets freaked out by aliens, don't watch Signs in a cold, dark basement at 3:30 AM. Not a smart move on mine and Melissa's part. We finally woke up at around 12, about a half hour before she had to leave. But at like 5 we were calling everyone to try and find out what channel Barney was on, it was a freaking blast. After I woke up I went to the library to check out a few CDs and I also signed up to volunteer. That should be fun. So after the library I biked to Dominic's, where I got coffee(seriously, I'm like the last person on Earth who needs it) After that I went back home, uploaded my CDs onto iTunes then my iPod. Haha yay! Then I took the CDs as well as the volunteer form back to the library. Then.... Then I went to the pool with Amanda, after which I had a softball game.
Erin. What you said about me being a model. Even though I'm the last person on Earth who would be a model, why would I want to be? I don't want to sell myself as a product. I don't want people to see me in magazines and say "I want to look like that". What I want to see is people looking in MIRRORS and saying "I want to look like that." I don't want people to idolize others on their outward appearance, I want them to look more then skin deep and be able to see inside a person. I want to see more people like you modeling, and less like Bronge(God I hope she doesn't read this). You're way more beautiful then she'll ever be, and not because you have great facial features, no, because you're one of the nicest people I've ever met. I could care less about these shallow models in the magazines, I would never want to be like them.
Angelo. Just because you don't mind it doesn't mean it's not wrong. Don't let people like me treat you like that. I don't mind a lot of shit that people do but that doesn't make it right. You don't want the world treating you as it's doormat. Trust me on that one. Stand up for yourself, and if I start bitching just tell me to shut up. I don't mind.
Peace. Song of the Day-The Anthem, Good Charlotte

June 20th((Even though you're next to me I still feel so alone))

Today was flippin awesome. I woke up at like.... 11 and tortured Tim for a while. I learned House of the Rising Sun in about 7 minutes which was kinda cool. Then I walked around for a while, as I always do, and after that I went to Ocean's 13 with Melissa. It was kick ass. Then.... Melissa slept over. Haha it was totally fun. Peace. Song of the Day-Breathing, Yellowcard

June 19th((Think about the love inside, the strength of heart))

It was fun. I walked around talking on the phone with Alex and Josh for like... a long time. Peace. Song of the Day-Believe, Yellowcard

Monday, June 18, 2007

June 18((I Fuckin hate you))

:) Spent the entire day listening to music. The first 2 hours I just lay on my bed blasting my iPod. The next 2 I cleaned. The other 2 I was talking to Josh :D. Peace.

Song of the Day-She Fuckin' Hates Me, Puddle of Mudd

Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 17((It's not OK, but we're all right))

Went out to breakfast with my family. Bad idea. Got tortured. For Christ's sake, they just went on about the cemetery and my lip piercing thing the entire time. Oh wait! They stop to antagonize Lizzy about taking the train home from Chicago at 12:40! Assholes. Well, I owe a huge thanks to my actual brother Alex, who I refer to as Al, just so you know the difference. Al changed the topic from me to how my dad is going on a date instead of fishing with his own sons on father's day. Whateverr. I don't know what I'm going to do today. Probably just go on a bike ride. Such is life.
Emily and I went to some pet store that allowed dogs, and took Shorty and Snoopy. Fun. She wants me to go to the pool with her, but I'm not that sure that I want to. Oh well :)
Had dinner at my Aunt Debbie's house. It was gewd. My dad didn't come, but whatever. Al, Dave and I went. Was a bit awkward to tell you the truth.
Peace. 2 Songs of the Day today :D
Emotionless, Good Charlotte
Life of a Salesman, Yellowcard

Saturday, June 16, 2007

June 16((do you want me to want you too?))

Kayla is a strange 50. Dana is an even stranger 49.
I thought about it. Maybe 1-40 are all the assholes, losers, and jerks, 41-46 are friends, and 47, 48, and 49 are the people who are your almost 50s. For some people it's more than 50. For some it's less. Depends on the person. Some are content with 50, some only need 100s, and some need 10s. I'm content with 50. I'm starting to move towards 100s though, which I'm also fine with.
Lauren, you'll always be my 100. Alex, you'll always be my 50. Even though I might have to take off my shirt and get kinky with some dead orphans. Sorry about the dance too, I might be going with a dead orphan instead of you. It was a tough choice, but in the end dead>>>>alive.
Well, we got crushed again. With style. It was 94 outside and nasty humid, so we were splashing each other. In white jerseys. We're smart. Ok, so after the game I talked rode back with madonna, rachel, maddie (s), Kayla, and Nafissa. It was fun, we called alex and tortured him. He and Kayla hate each other, or at least it seems like it. Well, there's a party later today for our team, then I think Lauren and I are going to the movies, then she's sleeping over? I don't know, I'll get back to that later. Peace.

Song of the Day-I want you to want me, Cheap Trick

Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15((be my 50))

Today was pretty much terrible. I don't know, I found out I hate a lot of people, and I used to not actually hate anyone. I also found out who some of my true friends were, which was nice. I don't know, the world is full of assholes, so watch your back. About 49 out of every 50 is a bastard, so just hope to God you've found your 50. Personally, I've been lucky and found my fair share of 50's so far, but that doesn't mean there aren't more out there. Sadly, that also means I've found more then my fair share of 1-49's and there are WAY more of those out there. You can also find friends in the most unexpected people, so don't be quick to think you haven't found your 50. Sometimes you have a 50 and don't even know that. Not all your 1-49's have to be complete assholes, but in more cases they are, and they probably wont be there for you. Sometimes your 50 isn't a good friend, or a friend at all, but just someone with a big heart, and they still care even though you never knew they would. There are a lot of 50's in the world. Sometims you don't have to meet all the 1-49's before you get to meet your 50. Alex =]. Peace.

Song of the day-One Week, Barenaked Ladies

Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 14

Today was pretty boring. I roller-bladed 5 miles downtown, went to starbucks, read for 2 hours. Then I stopped at the cemetery to see my mom's grave, which I pretty much put her in, and roller-bladed another 5 miles back home.
When I got home, I took a shower and went to a softball game. We got crushed. Literally. We lost because of the "slaughter rule", which basically states that if you are in the 5th inning and down by 12 you automatically lose. We've lost almost all of our games like that. The final score of this one was 22-2. Maddie (s) scored both of our runs. I got walked my first time up at bat. Well, hit. Same thing. Then I stole 2, and got out at 3. The second time, I hit a fly ball and someone caught it. Oh well, we suck, we lost. It might have something to do with the fact that we're rec. league playing travel league. Whatever.